Feed the birds!

The weather may have got a bit warmer, but there are lots of hungry birds around

So today’s idea is all about learning about caring for nature – and also a lot of planning and construction skills along the way

There is something about feed birds that makes us feel good too, so once the hard work is done, you can sit and watch the birds come and go.

Don’t worry if your child is not that interested making the feeder (though they may well want to help) – you might have more fun taking bread to ducks, or just putting out some crumbs.

Food stall fun

Even now the lockdown is easing, days at home may still seem long – and it is still tempting to snack away the time!

Today’s play idea is a way to have chats with your child about different kinds of food, and how we need to balance the different types

As you set up a shop together, your child can have a real experience of buying and selling – learning as well about money, shops and even some economics and politics (who says you can make sweets more expensive than fruit – is it fair?!)

You can download the Eatwell Plate here

Let’s go shopping!

It really can be fun going shopping with your child, particularly when you don’t even need to leave your house! 

Setting up a shop using things around your home can while away the hours (or several minutes at least!) and help your child to understand about the different kinds of shops and how money is used.

You can bring in children of different ages to play too – the children will develop the ideas themselves

It is also a great game for just being together, learning new words and having a laugh, as you sell and buy things – but don’t think you can out-haggle a young child!

Happy shopping! 😊

Snakes and Ladders

As we all know at the moment, life has its ups and downs. Do you ever wonder how we learned to cope with them?

Schools are on holiday in Highland, so this week’s ideas are all about playing and fun.

But Snakes and Ladders is also a great way to understand numbers and how to count. At the same time, we learn how to cope with setbacks (even funny ones). And the whole family can play and feel together at this time.

Already know how to play? You’ll find some ideas here to make it more fun (and amuse your child for longer) by making your own board – or taking it outside and being “living pieces”!