Oh no, George!

We all get things wrong sometimes, so today we have a story about a dog who really tries his best

But it just does not go his way. Cakes are so tasty, and mud such fun to dig!

It’s a lovely story to read along with your child and enjoy

While you do this, they will be learning words, how stories work, how to make predictions (science!) and how to have fun by sharing experiences

And you can have some interesting chats about when we are naughty and it is OK to do our best even if we get things wrong sometimes. (Clue – yes, it is)

Or if you just want the story, it is here, with thanks to the Book Trust

Hot air balloons

Today’s idea is to make a hot air balloon! Or a small one, at any rate

You can either use a black bin bag, or there is a version for ordinary small balloons. Instructions are on the downloadable sheet – please take care with safety and supervise children at all points.

This can be lots of fun – you can involve older children and family and even have balloon races

Meanwhile your child will learn lots of science, coordination skills and language – and we have some stories to look at too, or make your own

Story sticks

Today you’re going to find out what a good imagination your child has – and you too! 

As you know, children love listening to and making up stories and they can do both in today’s activity, using only a few interesting everyday items they choose from around the house or garden.

Attaching their items to the sticks will certainly help to develop your child’s fine motor skills as it’s quite tricky! 

Talking with you about the different items and describing them together is a great way to grow their vocabulary and ideas too. Then they can start to create their own stories with your help. This will help with ideas of sequence and develop memory too!

It’s also great fun to make up silly nonsense stories! 😊

A space of my own!

Even in the most loving homes, we get on top of each other from time to time. Today’s idea is all about making a den, a place to feel safe and secure

At the same time, we learn all about what it is like to feel good, and how to manage if we feel stressed

And about personal space and why it matters, about being in control of things – and there is no limit to the stories and games we can make up in a well made den!

You can use a blanket, behind the sofa – anything you have to hand. Or take it outside (following health advice always) if you have a garden or balcony

This kind of space can be very helpful for children who have sensory issues or who get over-stressed quite easily. Click here for some more ideas that might help them

Tiny Treasure Chest

Who would have thought your home was full of treasure!

And treasure that can help your child learn all about exploring, how to be curious, how to count and categorise and how to learn about stories and history

This is a really simple game that all the family can play, and that grandparents or others can join in on Skype or FaceTime or similar

The trick is you have to use a really, really, really small treasure chest

Oh no, George!

Today we have a story about a dog who really tries his best

But it just does not go his way. Cakes are so tasty, and mud such fun to dig!

It’s a lovely story to read along with your child and enjoy

While you do this, they will be learning words, how stories work, how to make predictions (science!) and how to have fun by sharing experiences

And you can have some interesting chats about when we are naughty and it is OK to do our best even if we get things wrong sometimes. (Clue – yes, it is)

Or if you just want the story, it is here, with thanks to the Book Trust