Can I play?

Today we have a story all about joining in, what it is like to be left out, how to share things and attention, and how to cope with bossy people!

It is a great story for if everyone is getting a bit fed up with lockdown and being on top of each other

And a chance to chat with your child about the future – making friends, how to play together and what to do if it goes wrong

You can watch the story together on the Book Trust youtube channel. It is by Caryl Hart and illustrated by Tony Neal.

The Ugly Duckling

A story and a song today that can take you almost anywhere!

It is about finding out who we are and how we fit in. And about how we can cope when things go wrong, or people are unkind – about not giving up

Or it is about how we change as we grow and learn new things

Or about birds, wildlife and nature

Mainly it is a fun way to enjoy a story or singing a song together, and along the way your child will learn lots about words and sequences too

2 metre play togethers

Now we are in Phase 1 of lockdown in Scotland, there is more scope for being with friends and family outdoors – as long as we all follow the advice carefully

There is lots of fun and learning we can share even when 2 metres apart. Today’s idea develops listening and attention, language and self-control.

We offered it a few weeks ago for playing during video chats – still good for this, but can also be played outdoors from a distance. Or just at home with your child can be fun too.

Make an action – can your child copy you? Gradually make it more complicated. Label what you are doing with words.

If that goes well, then “Simon says” is a great way to take it further

Where’s that sheep?

A fun rhyme today about some naughty sheep who get lost – poor Little Bo Peep!

Losing things and finding them is all part of life, and this is a gentle way for children to learn about it and how to cope

And we have some ideas for turning this into a game of hide-and-seek, or lose-and-seek, that you can play indoors or out

If playing outdoors, always follow the latest health advice of course

Snakes and Ladders

As we all know at the moment, life has its ups and downs. Do you ever wonder how we learned to cope with them?

Schools are on holiday in Highland, so this week’s ideas are all about playing and fun.

But Snakes and Ladders is also a great way to understand numbers and how to count. At the same time, we learn how to cope with setbacks (even funny ones). And the whole family can play and feel together at this time.

Already know how to play? You’ll find some ideas here to make it more fun (and amuse your child for longer) by making your own board – or taking it outside and being “living pieces”!